Wednesday, February 16, 2011

fat day

My husband always laughs at me and says I'm ridiculous when I use that term. However, all of us girls know exactly what I mean when I say, "I'm having a fat day." This is frustrating day number 1.

I've done as well as I could have the past few days being that it was Valentine's Day on Monday and had a date planned with Michael. I didn't go overboard, stopped when I was satisfied and chose unsweet tea instead of soda. I haven't made it to the store yet for some better food options, so we cleaned up some leftovers last night.

Today, started out well with my max number of cups of coffee and 2 scrambled eggs with low-fat mozzarella cheese, then celery sticks with low-fat PB for snack. I even got started on my daily water intake at 9:30 am. Good protein start to my day AND protein at lunch, which doesn't usually happen. But all fell apart at lunch. My employers haven't been to the grocery store either, so that leaves me with very minimal options. So, leftover bbq in the fridge was on the menu. Although very delicious, it left me feeling extremely bloated and having a "fat day." Plus all I wanted was sweet tea, which I usually don't like. I guess I could have had PB & J with the kids, but thought I should have a better balanced meal. Although lunch is provided with my job, I'll be packing my own lunches from now on so I can ensure a good meal and minimize the fat days.

I think several laps around the church gym are in store tonight. Then onto the next day.

1 comment:

  1. having trying to lose weight the last year and half i totally understand. good blog. please chek my out. thanks
